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this site is moving to http://groups.msn.com/PureBrandy

1. All the lyrics, photos, audio, video, EVERYTHING belongs to different sites, like Foreverbrandy.com, Brandyconnection, and many more so I as the webmaster took it out my time to say that we (part of PureBrandy) CAN NOT claim what it not ours and we want to thank all the sites we use different tools from....
2. Most if not all of the artwork was made by B-rocka's Man from the FB (foreverbrandy) Message board, except for the opening page art work which was made by myself (TSR aka founder of PureBrandy)
3. We would like to thank Tripod site builder for creating the site and letting us use all the tools we needed to use inorder to build this site
4. We would also like to thank ForeverBrandy, Brandyconnection, Brandyway, Zahra's Brandy Site and many more for giving us ideas on how the site should be,
5. And we most def thank Brandy for being Brandy, YOU HAVE SO MUCH TALENT and we're glad your using it the way u want to use it
1 Luv
Disclaimer writen by B-rocka's Man

Thank You

Hitting Stores Soon.....