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Support on getting Moesha on DVD/VHS



Help support in getting Moesha on DVD/VHS.  Moesha was a show that people all love to watch. Moesha was the #1 hit show on UPN and don't you think it deserve to be on DVD/VHS?

Let's make it happen by signing the petition and by writing letters to "Big Ticket Television" and to the "DVD Department". There will be people who think that this is impossible but we don't need to listen to what we have to say. If we never say never and keep our head up to the sky, this could work.  If this doesn't work then we can always look back and say, "Hey at least we all tried!"  Forget about the negatives and start thinking positive. 


The Petition                                                                  

Many people don't seem to understand what exactly online petitions do. Click Here if you are curious to know what kind of results do petitions get. However, the reason for  the "Moesha on DVD/VHS" is because many fans like myself believe that Moesha should be on DVD/VHS. I would be so cool if they  actually do this because it would make a lot of fans all over the world very happy.  This petition might get people at Big Ticket Televison attention to show them that fans are serious about it. 

When it comes to petitions, we don't know what will  the result will be. We all have to just pray and hope that  it will come true.  All we have to do is to get everyone sign the petition and keep the petition going. 

Writing Your Letters                                                     

Write your letters to Big Ticket Television and to the DVD Department  about why you think Moesha should be on DVD/VHS. 

When you are writing the letter, please do not write in Ebonics or do not use Swearing when you are writing the letter. Even though you are expressing  your anger or thoughts, it is still unacceptable and it is not necessary for you to do that. It will just be a turn off when Big Ticket or the DVD Department receive your letter. They will just simply trash your letter. 

Need help on writing a letter?

-Get a blank sheet of paper
-Write why you think Moesha should be DVD/VHS
-You can type the letter if you want.
-Proof read your letter (really do that, get someone to read it over.)
-Get an envelope
-Write the address of the DVD Department
-Put a stamp on the letter (you have to lick the stamp so that the stamp stay put) :)
-Put your letter in the envelope.
-Lick the envelope and make your wish!
-Then mail it!


Send your letters to:
DVD Department
5555 Melrose Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90038


Big Ticket Television
1438 N Gower St # 3
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: (323) 860-7400

Your Support                                                                  

If you would like to support this Moesha Campaign, you can support us by spreading a word about this.  If you are a webmaster you can post these  banners on your site.

Blend made by Ty-Boogie from Foreverbrandy Board:


Blends made by Luke from Brandyway:


Blends made by B_rocka's Man from Foreverbrandy Board:



keep the old crew together by saving moesha and putting her on DVD/VHS

Save any of these pictures on your computer. Upload any of the pictures you like on your site and make sure you link these pictures to: http://www.petitiononline.com/moe4ver2/

Keep spreading the word on getting people to write to Big Ticket and DVD Department because that can make a difference as well. Send them the addresses.


Be sure to Visit Zahra Brandy Site